Right from the start in June 2022 the BioGov.net project has sought collaboration with its sister project Engage4Bio, funded under the same call topic. The projects mutually inform each other periodically.
As BioGov.net approaches its final project year in June 2024, it has ramped up efforts to identify synergies and deepen collaboration with other EU-funded bioeconomy projects. A combination of diverse approaches has been applied to maximize impact, particularly in the realm of education and policy.
Key Milestones in 2024
In October 2024, BioGov.net partner FVA organised an online policy workshop for educators and policy makers showcasing inspirational case studies of VET (Vocational Education & Training) and LLL (Life-Long Learning) and presenting draft education and policy recommendations. The primary goal of the workshop was to co-design actionable recommendations that will inform the upcoming revision of the EC Bioeconomy Strategy.
The workshop brought together leading European initiatives addressing VET and LLL in bioeconomy education. Presenters included:
- our sister project Engage4Bio,
- the Erasmus project Circular Bricks,
- NBS EduWORLD, the Horizon Europe project at the crossroads between nature-based solutions and education
- the community for science education in Europe Scientix – an initiative of European Schoolnet and
- the Community of Practice for Bioeconomy Education (CoP Bio-Edu) of umbrella organisation ICA – Association for European Life Science Universities.
Beyond these reputable presenters, tens of other projects and initiatives actively participated and co-created in the workshop, including Horizon Europe, Interreg, and Erasmus+ projects as well as some national networks and institutes.

The workshop highlighted the critical need for integrating sustainable bioeconomy practices into both formal and informal education systems, ensuring that future generations are well-equipped to support the transition to a sustainable bioeconomy.
In December 2024, we launched a survey inviting recently completed and ongoing EU-funded bioeconomy projects to contribute to an inventory of VET and LLL bioeconomy education materials. With the survey, we aim to bring together and unlock information targeting VET and LLL, thus complementing repositories covering educational materials on sustainability, circular economy and bioeconomy for colleges and (applied) universities, compiled in the BE-Rural project (see https://be-rural.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/BE-Rural_D3.2_Educational_materials.pdf) and for primary and secondary education, compiled in the ongoing GenB – Generation Bioeconomy – project (see https://library.genb-project.eu/). In the context of the BioGov.net survey, project partner CIVITTA from Estonia leads a special investigation focusing on bioeconomy education hubs and engaging the completed BBI JU project BIOBec, the ongoing HE project RuralBioUP and the projects of the BioEast partnership.
Anticipated for Q1/ 2025 is the organisation of a webinar on Arts & Education, as transversal bioeconomy topic. This workshop will be led by FVA who will again seek collaboration with the above education projects and initiatives and with additional Erasmus+ projects.
Beyond these jointly organised activities, BioGov.net continuously seeks to exchange actionable knowledge with relevant European projects targeting aspects of regional governance, such as in recent months with the CBE JU project BRILIAN and the Horizon Europe project ROBIN.
Looking Ahead
As BioGov.net moves into its final year, the project continues to engage with a growing network of stakeholders, educators, and policymakers, working together to strengthen the bioeconomy education landscape in Europe.
Authors: Jhon Vos & Patrick Reumerman | BTG